Summer Pool Maintenance Infographic

Pool Maintenance Schedule Infographic

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Summer Pool Maintenance

Summer is the perfect time to use your pool. A cool, refreshing swim to escape the heat is probably one of the reasons you got a pool. Not only can a pool cool you off, but it provides opportunities to host parties and gatherings with your family, friends, and neighbors. Your pool will be busy this summer which is why it is important to perform regular maintenance on it. Besides the constant use, your pool may be at a higher risk of algae during the summer months as the sunny, warm days create the perfect conditions for algae growth. Here are some maintenance tips as well as a schedule to help you maintain a clean pool during the warm summer months. Pool maintenance is ongoing, but it isn’t as complicated as you think. Though some pool cleaning tasks need to be done every day, there are some that can be done on a weekly or monthly basis.

The first step in maintaining a clean pool is to run the pump 8-12 hours every day. You avoid many potential problems by regularly using your pump. Next, you should clean out the pump strainer basket and skimmer.

Once these preliminary tasks are done, you can establish a summer pool maintenance schedule like the one below.

Daily Tasks

These tasks need to be done on a daily basis to ensure that you can enjoy clean and clear looking water.

- Scoop up any debris that may be floating on the surface of the pool

- Check the water level

- Test the pH and chlorine (or other sanitizer) levels

- Brush off any algae that may be growing on the sides of the pool

Weekly Tasks

These tasks don’t need to be done daily but should be done at least once a week.

- Scrub the bottoms and sides of the pool

- Shock the pool

- Test for alkalinity

Throughout the Summer

You can get away with doing these tasks once or twice a month during the summer.

- Clean the cartridges and backwash the filter

- Clean the filter twice during the summer

Don’t stare at an algae infested, dirty water pool! Go and enjoy it instead! Like other home maintenance projects, your pool needs to be regularly cared for. Clean and clear pool water requires constant maintenance, but by following a schedule and knowing how often to do the different pool care steps will make it easier.

Though you may not use your pool in the chilly fall and winter months, your pool needs year-round maintenance. For more information on caring for your pool in every season, you can read or download our 365 Day Pool Maintenance Guide.

We carry a variety of pool maintenance supplies so you can have a clean pool all year round.
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